Heat rash or heat rash in children? What is it, its causes, and how can it be avoided?

Baby rash

Heat rash is very common in infants, especially in areas where it is very hot. They usually begin to appear early in the summer. Many new parents become anxious to get rid of the heat rash in their children. They are often made from grain hives, they disappear in a few days but they are very painful for children. There are various ways to get rid of it but it is difficult to get rid of it completely. Moreover, you can always try some safe treatment to get rid of the pain. Here we will tell you about heaters and some natural things to treat them.
What is a hat rash?

Hat rash is one of the most common types of rashes. This condition of the skin is also called malaria, and when the climate is hot and humid it often affects both children and adults. Closure of the pores is a major cause of heat rash. Rubbing on the surface of the skin can also trigger heat grains. Children often get such spots on their necks. However, heat rashes can also occur on other parts of the skin, such as the thighs, armpits, and elbows. There are different types of heat grains that not only look different but can also have different intensities and symptoms.

Symptoms and types of heat rash in children

There are three types of hats.

1. Malaria crystalline.

2. Malaria rubra.

3. Malaria profunda.

Malaria crystalline

This is the most common and light type of heat grain. This type is characterized by clear, white spots on the skin that are filled with fluid, such that they often erupt, but do not cause pain or itching. This type of heat rash is more common in children than in adults.
Malaria rubra

Baby rash

This type of heat rash is also often referred to as prickly heat rash. They are more common in adults. But it can also happen in children. Malaria rubra is more painful than malaria crusta, as it is often deeper in the outer layer of the skin. These are the symptoms of this type of heat rash.

* Itchy or prickly feeling on the affected area

* Red spots on the skin

* Lack of sweat in the affected areas

* Swollen and sore skin

In some cases, they may be large and full of pus. Doctors then call it malaria pistolusa.
Malaria profunda

This is the most unique type of heat rash. It is more likely to recur and can take several weeks to heal. Malaria profunda usually occurs in the dermis, which is deep in the skin. It usually occurs in adults and after superficial physical activity. This type of heat rash is large, hard, and skin-like, as it prevents sweat from escaping from the skin, so it can cause nausea and dizziness in infected people. Are you wondering what is the role of such rashes in children? Let us know.

What causes hate rash in children ?

As we mentioned earlier, heat rashes are caused by closed pores of the skin because sweat cannot escape from there. There are many other factors involved. For example

* Hot and humid climate

* Wear clothes that increase the heat

Use thick lotions and creams

Body warming due to multiple layers of clothing

Because children develop less skin pores, they are more likely to develop heat rashes. Although heat rashes usually go away on their own, a few natural remedies can help speed up the healing process without any side effects.

How to treat children's heat rash naturally?

For this you will need a cucumber.

What to do for it?

Take a cucumber and chop it.

Grind the pieces into a thick paste.

Apply cucumber paste on the affected area.

Leave it on for 5 to 10 minutes and then wash off.

How often do you have to do this?

This process can be done 2 to 3 times.

How it works?

Cucumbers contain tannins and flavonoids that have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. This feature helps in calming the heaters in children.
Multani soil:

You will need it.

Multani mud half a tablespoon

Water as needed

What to do for it?

Mix half a tablespoon of Multani soil with water to make a paste.

Apply it on all affected areas.

Leave it on for 10 minutes.

Then wash with water.
How often can you do this?

You can do this once every 2 to 3 days.

How it works?

Baby rash 

Although there is no research to validate its treatment. But historical evidence suggests that multani soil may help reduce heat stroke in children as well as adults.
Aloe vera:

You may need it.

Fresh aloe vera gel

What do you have to do

Take a little freshly extracted aloe vera gel.

Apply it on the affected area.

Leave it on for 5 to 10 minutes.

Now wash it off with water.

How often should you do this?

For best results, you can do this once a day.

How it works?

Aloe vera gel extract works against inflammation. And it helps to get rid of heat grains and cure its symptoms.